Inspire Health Podcast: Toxin Removal Using Scalar Energy with Dr. Chase Faldmo

Recently on the Inspire Health PodcastDr. Chase Faldmo takes the removal of stored body toxins to a whole new level.

In this episode, you will learn how scalar energy can be used to drive frequencies into the body to help with the elimination of heavy metals, bacterial, viral, and allergenic toxins.

Discover how the physics concept of “Destructive Interference” can assist in toxin removal. Learn how to access heavy metals inside the cell as opposed to just outside the cell and gain insight into what else may need to be addressed for those people that have difficulty eliminating their toxic load.

Here are some of this episode’s highlights:

  • Learn of the 4 major types of toxins.
  • Discover the damaging role that many pharmaceuticals play in detoxification.
  • Gain insight into how you can get very, very specific in addressing individual toxins.
  • Learn how to incorporate scalar energy into toxin removal.
  • Discover a new approach to working with your bodies using physics rather than chemistry.
  • Discover how the physics concept of “Destructive Interference” can assist in toxin removal.
  • Understand how scalar energy is able to put information in the forms of frequency into your body.
  • Learn important differences between scalar energy vs electromagnetic frequency.
  • Learn 3 possible ways that scalar energy may help to disrupt viral and bacterial toxins.
  • Discover mechanisms that scalar energy can assist with allergic toxins and heavy metal toxins.
  • Discover the limitations of conventional and many complementary approaches to toxin removal.
  • Learn how to access heavy metals inside the cell as opposed to the “extracellular” area.
  • Discover a new technology that may be the best way to non-invasively measure your total body load of heavy metals and minerals. 
  • Gain insight into what else may need to be addressed for those people that have difficulty eliminating their toxic load.

Listen to the audio podcast here.

If you have a question for Dr. Chase Faldmo or the Tennant Institute, please visit their website at

Thanks again for being part of our Senergy community. Be Well!

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