5 Root Causes of Low Voltage | 5 factors, chronic disease, ihc, integrative health conference, root cause, voltage |
Addiction | addiction |
Additional Info & Downloads | downloads, handouts, ihc, integrative health conference |
Additional Info & Downloads | downloads, handouts, ihc, integrative health conference |
Addressing Pain | ankle, arms, back, biomodulator, biotransducer, feet, hands, joints, knee, neck, pain, pain relief, shoulder, tennant protocols, treating pain, wrist |
Age Defiance Eye Cream | age defiance, anti-aging, antiaging, eye cream, face, skin, skin care, skincare |
Age Defiance Face Cream | age defiance, anti-aging, antiaging, face, face cream, skin, skin care, skincare |
Age Defiance Gel Cleanser | age defiance, anti-aging, antiaging, face, gel cleanser, skin, skin care, skincare |
All About The BioTransducer Crystal Wave | biotransducer crystal wave, crystal wave, crystalwave |
All About The BioTransducer Pro | biotransducer pro, biotransducer therapy |
Allergies | allergies |
Animals | animals, pets, treating animals, treating pets |
April 2023: Q&A | device owner zoom calls, Q&A, tamara bagwell, tennant protocols |
August 2022: BioModulator Pro Modes | biomodulator pro, device owner zoom calls, pro modes, Q&A, tamara bagwell |
August 2023: Tennant Devices & Children + Q&A | biomodulator, biotransducer, children, device owner zoom calls, Q&A, tamara bagwell, tennant protocols |
Autoimmune | autoimmune, tamara bagwell |
Background | |
Basic Course Slides | basic course slides, downloads, handouts, ihc, integrative health conference |
Basic Course Slides | basic course slides, ihc, integrative health conference |
Best Practices | biomodulator, biotransducer, daily protocol, foot plates, footplates, tennant protocols |
Bio | |
BioModulator Treatment Basics | biomodulator, tennant protocols |
Bonus: Additional Patient Demos | demos, dr chase, dr chase faldmo, dr faldmo, ihc, integrative health conference |
Bonus: Bowling Ball Syndrome | ans, ans reset, autonomic nervous system, bowling ball syndrome, dr amy marshall, dr marshall, ihc, integrative health conference |
Bonus: Daily Protocol Review + Demo | daily protocol, karla bass, tennant protocol |
Bonus: Energetic Exams | dr annie, energetic exams, tennant institute |
Bonus: Healthy Water | healthy water, ihc, integrative health conference, leo szymborski, ph prescription |
Bonus: Mold & Fungus | detox, dr chase, dr chase faldmo, dr faldmo, fungus, mold |
Bonus: Muscle Testing & Brain Therapy | |
Bonus: Nitric Oxide | dr bryan, dr nathan bryan, ihc, integrative health conference, nitric oxide |
Bonus: Q&A + Polarity Demo | demos, dr chase, dr chase faldmo, dr faldmo, ihc, integrative health conference, polarities, polarity |
Bonus: Tennant Autonomic Balancing System (TABS) | ans, ans reset, autonomic nervous system, dr amy marshall, dr marshall, ihc, integrative health conference |
Bonus: The Human Electrical Battery System | dr chase, dr chase faldmo, dr faldmo, ihc, integrative health conference, muscle battery packs, polarities, polarity |
Brain | Brain Therapy |
Cancer | cancer, tennant protocols, tumors |
Cancer | cancer, polyps |
Cardiovascular System: Heart & Circulation | AFIB, blood clots, cardiovascular, circulation, heart |
Chronic Disease | als, chronic disease, IBS, irritable bowel syndrome, lyme, lyme disease, root cause, tennant institute |
Day 1: BioModulator Device Basics | biomodulator, ihc, integrative health conference, tamara bagwell |
Day 2: 5 Root Causes of Low Voltage | chronic disease, ihc, integrative health conference, root cause, voltage |
Day 2: Circuits | circuits, ihc, integrative health conference |
Day 2: Muscle Testing & ANS | ans, autonomic nervous system, muscle testing |
Day 2: Nutrition | ihc, integrative health conference, nutrition, tennant products |
Day 2: Scalar Energy | ihc, integrative health conference, scalar, scalar energy |
Day 2: Voltage & Polarity | ihc, integrative health conference, muscle testing, polarities, polarity |
Day 3: Chronic Disease | cancer, chronic disease |
Day 3: Dental Infections | dental, dental infection, dr evans, dr steve evans, ihc, integrative health conference, teeth |
Day 3: Dental, Ozone & Mercury | dental, dental infections, dr olson, mercury, ozone |
Day 3: Emotions | emotional clearing, emotional healing, emotional release, emotions, felicia garrett, ihc, integrative health conference |
Day 3: Linoleic Acid | dr chase, dr chase faldmo, dr faldmo, linoleic acid |
Day 3: Vagal Reset and Autonomic Nervous System | ans, autonomic nervous system, dr collins, vagus nerve |
December 2022: Skin Care with the BioModulator | biomodulator, device owner zoom calls, face, face electrode, skin, skin care, skincare, tamara bagwell |
Dental Infections | 5 factors, chronic disease, dental, dental infections, healing is voltage, root cause, teeth |
Dental Issues | dental, dental infections, teeth |
Dr. Amy Marshall – Tennant Autonomic Balancing System (TABS) | amy marshall, ans, autonomic nervous system, dr amy marshall, ihc, integrative health conference |
Dr. Evans DDS & Dr. Olson – Dental Infections | dental, dental infections, dr evans, ihc, integrative health conference, teeth |
Dr. Faldmo – Linoleic Acid | |
Dr. Faldmo DC – Additional Patient Demos | demos, dr chase, dr chase faldmo, dr faldmo, ihc, integrative health conference |
Dr. Faldmo DC – Q&A + Polarity Demo | demos, dr chase, dr chase faldmo, dr faldmo, ihc, integrative health conference, polarities, polarity |
Dr. Faldmo DC – The Human Electrical Battery System | acupuncture meridians, dr chase, dr chase faldmo, dr faldmo, ihc, integrative health conference, muscle battery packs, polarities, polarity |
Dr. Marshall – Bowling Ball Syndrome | |
Dr. Nathan Bryan – Nitric Oxide | dr bryan, dr nathan bryan, ihc, integrative health conference, nitric oxide |
Electrode Attachments | attachments, brush electrode, drumstick electrode, electrodes, face electrode, foot plates, footplates, hand grips, handgrips, pencil electrode, probe electrode, y electrode, yelectrode |
Eliminate Toxins | detox, healing is voltage, toxicity, toxins |
Emergency Protocols | anaphylaxis, bite, bug bite, emergency, emergency protocols, ER, fainting, poison, snake bite, tennant protocols, unconscious |
Emotions | 5 factors, chronic disease, emotional clearing, emotional release, emotions, healing is voltage, root cause, stuck emotions |
Emotions | adhd, emotional clearing, emotional healing, emotional protocol, emotional release, trauma |
Endocrine System: Thyroid & Adrenals | adrenals, endocrine system, hyperthyroidism, tennant protocols, thyroid |
Essential Oils | bioterminal oils, essential oils |
Eye Treatment Protocol with the BioTransducer | biotransducer, eye health, eye protocol, eyes, tennant protocols |
Eyes | biotransducer, eye health, eyes, tennant protocols |
FAQ: Devices & Protocols | biomodulator, daily protocol, inflammation, polarity, power levels, pro modes, tennant protocols |
February 2023: BioModulator Basics, ANS Reset, charging, & more | ans, ans reset, autonomic nervous system, biomodulator, charging, device owner zoom calls, full body recharge, karla bass |
Felicia Garrett – Emotional Release | dr amy marshall, dr marshall, emotional clearing, emotional release, emotional tuning |
Frequently Asked Questions & Tips | biomodulator plus, biomodulator pro, biomodulator pro modes, biotransducer, face, skin, skin care, skincare |
Headaches/Migraines | biomodulator, biotransducer, head ache, headache, migraine, tennant protocols |
Health Theories from the Tennant Institute: Dental Infections | dental, dental infections, health theories, teeth, tennant institute |
Health Theories from the Tennant Institute: Emotions | emotional clearing, emotional release, emotions, health theories, stuck emotions, tennant institute |
Health Theories from the Tennant Institute: Hashimotos | hashimotos, health theories, hormones, hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism, tennant institute, thyroid |
Health Theories from the Tennant Institute: Scars/Tattoos | health theories, scars, tattoos, tennant institute |
Health Theories from the Tennant Institute: Toxins | detox, health theories, tennant institute, toxicity, toxins |
Healthy Cells | healing is voltage, healthy cells |
Heat Protocol | heat, heat sickness, heatstroke, summer, tennant protocols |
Holistic Nutrition | healing is voltage, nutrition |
How To Use Conductive Electrode Pads | charging, conductive electrode pads, conductive pads, electrode pads, electrodes, voltage, wires |
Insomnia Protocol | ans, ans reset, autonomic nervous system, insomnia, insomnia protocol, sleep, stress, tennant protocols, y electrode, yelectrode |
Introduction to Measuring Voltage | measuring voltage, voltage |
January 2023: Q&A | device owner zoom calls, Q&A |
Join our next Tennant Health Conference! | |
July 2023: Q&A | device owner zoom calls, karla bass, Q&A, tennant protocols |
June 2022: Q&A | device owner zoom calls, Q&A, tamara bagwell |
June 2023: Q&A | device owner zoom calls, Q&A, tamara bagwell, tennant protocols |
Learn More About Voltage | chronic disease, healing is voltage, voltage |
Leo Syzmborski – Healthy Water | |
Lesson | |
Live Presentation | chronic disease, voltage |
Master’s Conference: Day 1 – Dr. Chase Faldmo, D.C. (Toxins & Scalar) | |
Master’s Conference: Day 1 – Dr. Tennant (Main Presentation) | |
Master’s Conference: Day 2 – Dr. Steve Evans, DDS (Dental) | |
Master’s Conference: Day 2 – Dr. Tennant (Polarity & Demo) | |
May 2023: Q&A | device owner zoom calls, karla bass, Q&A, tennant protocols |
Measuring Central/Lateral BioTerminal Points | bioterminals, central bioterminal, lateral bioterminal |
Meridians & BioTerminals | bioterminals, meridians |
Misc. Topics | blood clots, blood sugar, macular degeneration, relationships, scalar, scalar energy |
Miscellaneous | breast health, detox, EMFs, hearing loss, minerals, mold |
Muscle Battery Packs | healing is voltage, muscle battery packs |
Muscle Testing | dr chase, dr chase faldmo, dr faldmo, karla bass, muscle testing, polarities, polarity |
Musculoskeletal System: Arthritis, Osteoporosis, TMJ, Muscles, etc. | arthritis, bells palsy, broken bones, injuries, injury, muscles, osteoporosis, tmj |
Nervous System: Spinal Cord & ANS | als, ans, autonomic nervous system, herniated discs, neuropathy |
November 2022: BioModulator For Brain Therapy | brain, Brain Therapy, device owner zoom calls, tennant protocols |
NOxide Activating Skin Serum | age defiance, anti-aging, antiaging, face, n1o1, nitric oxide, noxide, serum, skin, skin care, skincare |
Nutrition | nutrition |
October 2022: Care of BioModulator & Accessories | attachments, biomodulator, device owner zoom calls, electrodes, tamara bagwell |
Personal Health Journey | |
Prostate | probes, prostate, prostate cancer, prostatitis, tennant protocols |
Q&A | Q&A |
Q&A + Demos | demos, ihc, integrative health conference, muscle testing, polarities, polarity |
Scalar Energy | ihc, integrative health conference, scalar, scalar energy |
Scar Protocol | biotransducer, scar, scars, soreness oil, tattoos, tennant protocols |
Scars | 5 factors, chronic disease, healing is voltage, root cause, scars, tattoos |
Scars | biotransducer, scar treatment, scars, soreness oil, tennant protocols |
Senergy Skincare Routine | age defiance, anti-aging, antiaging, face, skin, skin care, skincare |
September 2022: Q&A | device owner zoom calls, Q&A, tamara bagwell |
September 2023: Q&A + Managing Emotional Balance In A Chaotic World | device owner zoom calls, emotional clearing, emotional healing, karla bass, Q&A |
September 2024: Karla Bass Guided Meditation & ANS Reset | |
Spinal Protocol | spinal protocol, spine, tennant protocols, y electrode, yelectrode |
Step 1: Recharge The Primary Voltage Circuit | biomodulator, charging, daily protocol, step 1, tennant protocols, voltage, y electrode, yelectrode |
Step 2: Reset Autonomic Nervous System (ANS) | ans, ans reset, autonomic nervous system, biomodulator, daily protocol, step 2, tennant protocols, voltage, y electrode, yelectrode |
Step 3: Correct Polarity | biomodulator, biotransducer, daily protocol, polarities, polarity, step 3, tennant protocols |
Step 4: Activate Fetal Wiring System | biotransducer, daily protocol, step 4, tennant protocols |
Step 5: Total Body Recharge | biomodulator, charging, charging plates, daily protocol, foot plates, footplates, hand grips, handgrips, recharge, step 5, tennant protocols, voltage |
Tennant BioModulator Plus | biomodulator, biomodulator plus |
Tennant BioModulator Pro | assess mode, automatic mode, biomodulator pro, infinity mode, ten 8 mode |
Tennant Products – Nutrition | ihc, integrative health conference, nutrition, tennant products |
Testimonials | testimonials |
The 5 Factors of Low Voltage | 5 factors, chronic disease, low voltage, root cause, voltage |
Thursday Night – BioModulator® Basics | biomodulator overview, ihc, integrative health conference, tamara bagwell |
Thyroid Hormones | 5 factors, chronic disease, hashimotos, healing is voltage, hormones, hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism, root cause, thyroid |
Toxins | 5 factors, chronic disease, detox, healing is voltage, root cause, toxicity, toxins |
Trading or Upgrading | biomodulator, trading, upgrading |
Traveling | airport, flying, plane, travel, traveling |
Treating Children & Infants | biomodulator, biotransducer, children, infants |
Using a Pendulum to Measure Polarity | circuits, measure polarity, pendulum, polarities, polarity |
Vertigo | tennant protocols, vertigo |
Viruses | tennant protocols, viruses |
Voltage | healing is voltage, voltage |
Voltage | voltage |
Voltage, Polarity & Circuits | |
Weight Loss | tennant protocols, weight loss |
Why Chronic Disease Occurs | 5 factors, chronic disease, healing is voltage, root cause |
Why The Daily Protocol Is Important | daily protocol, tennant protocols |
Wires | 4pin, accessories, stereo, wires |
Wounds | healing, injury, tennant protocols, wounds |