Day 2: 5 Root Causes of Low Voltage
Day 2: 5 Root Causes of Low Voltage Read More »
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5 Root Causes of Low Voltage Read More »
Understanding the 5 Factors of Low Voltage with Dr. Jerry Tennant.
The 5 Factors of Low Voltage Read More »
Video Transcript: Then we have dental infections. Each of these circuits goes through very specific teeth. And the circuit we’ve been talking about, the spleen stomach circuit, are these in yellow, upper molars and lower pre molars. Now, if you think about a circuit going through a tooth, think about circuit going through this tooth Video Transcript: The fifth thing we have to deal with are toxins. Now to understand how we can deal with these, you have to remember that every atom has a specific frequency. So one can use a spectrophotometer. And measure the light come in from the moon and say, oh, there’s calcium on the Video Transcript: I mentioned that our that our emotions are stored as magnetic fields as our memories. So it’s sort of like you have a DVD writer that has a magnetic needle that writes pictures on the platter, right? It’s very much similar to that. So how can we do something about that? Well, Video Transcript: Scars. Remember that the fascia is that shiny material that’s around muscles like a stocking around the muscle. And the fascia is a semiconductor, which is a type of wire that moves electrons at the speed of light but only in one direction. So when you put a scar across the fascia, Transcript of Dr. Smithson’s Lecture at a past Tennant Integrative Health Conference: Low thyroid is one of the things that can affect voltage. It’s on of Dr. Tennant’s Big Five, okay? Every cell in the body needs thyroid hormone. So when thyroid hormone is low, it globally lowers voltage in all the acupuncture meridians. Video Transcript: I’m the ophthalmologist that did the majority of the research for the Visx laser used in Lasik surgery. Doing so caused me to inhale viruses and I got encephalitis and a bleeding disorder as we did not know that the laser would not kill viruses. I recall shaving the scars off the
Why Chronic Disease Occurs Read More »