Scars Taken from our monthly Device Owner Zoom meetings. device owners monthly meetings archive Taken from our monthly Device Owner Zoom meetings. device owners monthly meetings archive Video Transcript: So you should recall that our muscles are rechargeable batteries, and they are stacked one on top of each other like stacking batteries in a flashlight and then surrounded by a common sheath of what’s called fascia. Fascia is that shiny stuff you see around the turkey when you carve it. And
Health Theories from the Tennant Institute: Scars/Tattoos Read More » Video Transcript: Scars. Remember that the fascia is that shiny material that’s around muscles like a stocking around the muscle. And the fascia is a semiconductor, which is a type of wire that moves electrons at the speed of light but only in one direction. So when you put a scar across the fascia,
Dr. Tennant has discovered that there are 5 reasons why people lose voltage in their body and get sick, and scars & tattoos are on that list. Energy moves through the body’s wiring system via the fascia around our muscles, which acts as a semiconductor for electrons to move at the speed of light (but