Customize Your Health Journey with the Tennant Institute

The following is from a recent Facebook Livestream, you can watch the full interview at this link or below!

Emmy Grimes 

I’m Emmy Grimes. I’m an advisor here at Senergy Medical Group. This week we’ve got Chase Faldmo, DC from the Tennant Institute joining us. I just wanted to kind of start off by saying we really do try to bring you the best information possible to you all at home and we realized that a lot of people, no matter where you are in your journey, whether you’re new or you’ve had the equipment for years, you can kind of reach a point of where maybe you don’t have all the answers you need for your health journey. This is where we want to just to really showcase that we now are bringing you guys more options to be able to address these things going on with you.

I personally actually had an incident pop up in the last couple of weeks where I was not sleeping well at night. I realized that I need to get some answers. I was so grateful that we have the Tennant Institute here. So I hopped upstairs and I was able to get some answers that I know that I wouldn’t have gotten through traditional medicine. Chase, let’s kick it off. Let’s talk about this. Our first question is if I’m new to this, or perhaps I’m a seasoned device owner, what does the Tennant Institute offer me?

Chase Faldmo, DC

So like you said, everyone’s at different stages in their journey, and we want to be able to progress in life. And obviously, the ultimate goal is for progression, to go straight up, right? But you know, the reality is, we’re gonna have ups and downs, but we want to be generally trending in the right direction. So that’s what we can offer with this professional consultation we have. If you feel like you’ve plateaued, or you feel like maybe there are some missing pieces, you can have a professional consultation with us at the Tennant Institute. And based on some of the things you tell us, we can steer you in the right direction, give you the roadmap of what you should be doing. And this could involve several things. You know, it might be you need to go into more specifics about your emotions, it might be we need to check out hormones more, maybe we need to do more in-depth toxin work, you know, everyone’s on a different journey. And so there might be some missing pieces you don’t know about.

This is gonna provide you with that consult to be able to figure out if something else is missing.  You’ve heard that saying you can fish for someone or teach someone how to fish, I want to be able to teach you how to fish. So for those device owners, since you know, you know about all the protocols, but there are additional things you can use with the devices specific to you. And so included is in this point and this consult is if you have something that’s kind of been affecting you, you can get a proprietary video with specific different ways to use devices or supplements or essential oils, etc. so that it can address what’s your complaint is.

Emmy Grimes 

Yes, and this was so beneficial for me and my journey just so you guys at home know, I wasn’t sleeping well at night and it was just it was really impacting my day and productivity. So this was where having some additional resources really were able to just kind of get to those goals that I wanted to reach, and I think what we want to hit home for you guys is that you know, you may not know what’s going on or you maybe you do have these symptoms that are popping up but this is giving you the ability to get those answers and address it and then an alternative way to heal without masking the problem. So Chase, what would be the necessary steps in order for someone to set up such an appointment? Can you kind of tell us a little bit more in detail about telemedicine or if there’s something you can only get in person?

Chase Faldmo, DC

Yes, absolutely. So this is something you can come for in-person or do on telemedicine. And one thing I should include is that on top of this professional consultation, you can receive personalized remedy frequencies based on your DNA. And that can be done in person or via telemedicine by sending hair in a nail sample.

Emmy Grimes 

Does that need to be happening at the same time your booking or what would be expected for that?

Chase Faldmo, DC

You can book your appointment and always send the sample in later. You can book the appointment and that remedy, if you do telemedicine, can be made later once we get the sample and can send it to you. So if you do want this appointment, you can make it now, we can address it, and then we can get the sample later.

Now, the thing I’d like to mention is the importance of the paperwork online. When you send us the paperwork, and when you fill out your paperwork beforehand, we get the big picture. And once we get the big picture, we can get into more detail with the appointment, as with the consultation, because if we don’t have some of that basic, important information, we’re gonna spend more time just getting a history. The more information you can put in that history, the more we’re all gonna benefit and be able to find out what specifically might benefit you.

Emmy Grimes 

Absolutely. It’s not a long process, it was maybe about 15 minutes total that I spent on the paperwork. Now there may be some more additional additives that you have to add in there with history, but it definitely wasn’t a long process. And we have resources here at the Tennant Institute, as well as here at Senergy that if you need some guidance as to what, where to go with these appointments, you can address it through us. What type of candidate would be best suited for this? Or who would benefit from this kind of appointment?

Chase Faldmo, DC

You know, everyone can benefit from this, young or old. No matter what stage you are in, in your health journey, everyone can benefit. But those who are device owners, that’s going to be especially beneficial, especially if you don’t know what the next steps are, you should take those who haven’t been to the Tebnant Institute before or maybe those who went many years ago, even. We’re always changing. We’re always adapting, we’re always finding new things. And so what we did many years ago might be different. It’s different now. And that’s okay because we’re always improving, we’re always trying to find ways to help get you healthy, better, and faster.

Emmy Grimes 

Yes, health is wealth guys. And this is just another way. I mean, even from the course of time of me doing these appointments at the clinic, we had almost everyone here at Senergy went through and did the process again, but and we found out some things that we didn’t know existed and so you know, no matter where you are in this journey, you can definitely benefit from it, and like I said, having that equipment for many years and the processes that we did back then is much different than it is today because we’ve gotten better and we’ve evolved so I think it’s really important that you ask those questions. So how long would an appointment last Chase?

Chase Faldmo, DC

A consult appointment typically lasts about an hour.

Emmy Grimes 

What would someone gain from coming and doing this consult with you, or anyone at the clinic?

Chase Faldmo, DC

Well, you’re gonna gain a roadmap as to what you should do. And again, this might have been something you’ve had for a long time, and you’ve dismissed possible causes for it. But you needed that other point of view to see. This is gonna give you a roadmap, and some of these videos that you can get are great information education for you and those around you.

For more information, please visit or call the clinic at (972) 580-1156. You can also email

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