Address Hormone Imbalances with the Tennant Institute

The following was taken from a recent Facebook Livestream. To watch the full interview, please click here or the video below!

Emmy Grimes 

Hello, hello welcome everyone. I’m Emmy Grimes. I’m an advisor here at Senergy Medical Group. Thanks so much for joining us on our Facebook Live Stream. We have a wonderful segment for you today. Joining us is Dr. Claudia Castaño. And I’m thrilled to have her here. Thank you so much, Dr. Claudia for being here. Thank you for having me. Thank you. Well, she brings over 20 years of general medicine, from occupational to preventative to physical rehabilitation and urgent care medicine to the table. And I’m thrilled to have her part of our new team at this Tennant Institute. So today we’re going to be just introducing her as well as talking about some services that she’s going to be doing and I’m thrilled to jump right in. So, Dr. Castaño, let’s jump in what brought you to the Tennant Institute?

Dr. Castaño

Well, I would say it was pure luck or, or perhaps fate. I met Dr. Tennant about two years ago. And it was at a time in my life where I was feeling quite disheartened with conventional medicine. In my over 20 years of practicing medicine, I have seen the number of pharmaceutical drugs skyrocket. And one would think that with the advances in medical technology and pharmaceuticals, that there would be a decline in chronic illness. But if it sadly, that is not true. I have seen more chronic illnesses, diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, and cancer despite the medical advances and the numerous pharmaceuticals on the market. And in most cases, conventional medications are used to manage chronic illness only, and not to treat the underlying cause. One drug may be used to manage an illness, which may cause some adverse effects, and then another drug will be given to treat that side effect. And, and so the story goes and until you feel like a rat running on a wheel and getting absolutely nowhere. Right? Yeah, learning about Dr. Tennant’s unique approach to the treatment and prevention of chronic disease was absolutely fascinating and truly enlightening. It reaffirmed what I was feeling and strengthened my belief that the root cause of the disease is not being addressed in conventional medicine. I feel honored and blessed to have met Dr. Tennant and I hope to continue the quest for knowledge.

Emmy Grimes 

I am so glad that he found you too and that you accepted a being a part of this wonderful team at the Tennant Institute. This is awesome. So thank you so much. What services are you going to be offering the patients to come see you?

Dr. Castaño

Well, at the Tennant Institute an evaluation of potential hormone deficiencies or imbalances can be done with a thorough history, physical exam, and labs. The hormones which are most often replaced are estrogens, progesterone, testosterone, and DHEA. A complete thyroid function will also be done. As we all know with Dr. Tennant’s protocol thyroid balancing is one of the components that need to be addressed and corrected in chronic disease. And then based on the individual’s deficiencies and needs a unique individualized hormone replacement regimen will be developed and monitored.

Emmy Grimes 

That’s perfect. Awesome. I’m so glad you’re here. What is it about hormones that you enjoy most?

Dr. Castaño

Well, we all need them and will feel so much better when they are at peak levels. Every day in my practice, my patients express the positive results that they receive from natural hormone balancing, both men and women reporting a remarkable increase in perceived physical and psychological well-being. It is very fulfilling for me to know that I have helped alleviate their symptoms and improve their quality of life.

Emmy Grimes 

Oh, that’s really cool. What hormone analysis is done, what is the information that’s needed to be provided with someone addressing their body?

Dr. Castaño 

You know, there are many symptoms and potential consequences of hormone deficiencies or imbalance. Our hormone levels gradually decline as we age so it’s really no surprise that we begin to have symptoms as we get older. And those symptoms can range from fatigue, difficulty concentrating, difficulty sleeping, mood swings, irritability, foggy thinking, depression, anxiety problems in the bedroom. Weight gain is a very popular one. Decrease muscle strength hormones decline during the aging process, says, however their rate of decline is different for everyone. We’re all unique individuals. I may have a 15 year old who has very useful hormone levels and a 30 year old who has deficiencies. And this is what hormone testing and individualized treatment plans are essential. Hormone analysis will help determine if there are deficiencies or imbalances that need to be corrected.

Emmy Grimes 

Very good. Well, and I know following Dr. Tennant’s methods, this is just another part that we’ve got to address. And so really good information. You know, what is the difference in addressing, you know, hormone imbalances, the traditional way versus Dr. Tennant’s methods and energetic way?

Dr. Castaño

You know, that’s a very good question. And I think there’s still a lot of confusion and miscommunication on the difference between natural hormones and the traditional conventional ones. The distinction is that bioidentical hormones are identical in their molecular shape, structure and function to the natural hormones produced in the human body. I think the best description given is comparing it to a key and lock mechanism. Just like specific keys fit in a specific law, bioidentical hormones act as a specific keyword you bind to natural receptors throughout the body and fit perfectly to unlock specific cellular functions and behaviors. Synthetic hormones, on the other hand, are chemically altered. Premarin is a synthetic estrogen and it’s derived from the urine of pregnant mares. Provera is a synthetic progestin prescribed to substitute natural progesterone. And it’s not found anywhere in nature, the body will perceive it as a foreign substance. And as a result, these chemically altered imposters do not fit the natural receptor sites on ourselves as well as far as identical hormones. And the end result is they just don’t play well. And worse, they may have very deleterious adverse effects.

Emmy Grimes 

Oh, wow. That’s really interesting. Well, thank you for sharing that. How will one’s life change from addressing their hormone?

Dr. Castaño

Balancing the hormone system has tremendous health benefits for everyone. Benefits can include improved glucose control, blood pressure control, bone health, it offers protection against some cancers. It improves mental clarity. It improves symptoms associated with autoimmune diseases, chronic fatigue syndrome, cardiovascular disease. In fact, numerous studies have linked coronary artery disease to low testosterone levels, and correcting these testosterone levels to peak levels can improve coronary artery disease. So seeing natural hormones can improve one’s quality of life, help treat and prevent disease and, and slow down the signs of aging.

Emmy Grimes 

That’s amazing. Yes, anti-aging. What are the necessary steps to setting up an appointment like this?

Dr. Castaño

Well, it’s very easy. Just contact the Tennant Institute and you can request either an in-person or telemedicine visit, you will be provided the appropriate paperwork to fill out which will help me get to know you and be better able to assess your needs. At this point, you will have a choice of either coming into the office for lab work or order will be submitted to your lab of choice where you get your studies done. And the objective is to have the lab results available at the time of the console. So an individualized treatment plan can be developed.

Emmy Grimes 

Yes, and be most productive. Of course, that’s very important. Is there anything else that you want to share with our viewers out there that are you know, perhaps seeking more answers or just on the cusp of the kind of understanding this?

Dr. Castaño

I would encourage anyone over 40 years of age anyone exhibiting any symptoms or suffering chronic disease to get tested. I tell my patients that just like cars need maintenance, so does the body. It’s never too late. Some just accept that aches and pains are part of aging. And there’s nothing wrong with aging gracefully. But replenishing hormones to youthful levels can really improve your health, your quality of life and really slow the aging process.

Emmy Grimes 

That’s awesome. Thank you so much Dr. Castaño. This has been so informative and I just love the wisdom that you’re bringing to the students and offering healing to everyone out there. So thank you so much. Oh, it’s been wonderful. Guys, I just encourage you again to make an appointment at the Tennant Institute, this is a wonderful opportunity for you to really get those answers. And as a reminder, we also have those professional consultation packages available. This is a new package offered at the Tennant Institute, that customizes your protocols, it’s for device owners out there that really can make your daily regimen the most productive, so make sure you are setting up those appointments if you haven’t already.

To book an appointment with the Tennant Institute, please visit their website here or email

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